Plan miasta Newlandrig

Newlandrig - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Company Briefs - 27 Jun 2007

A CHAIN of 30 budget hotels is to be set up across South-east Asia over the next three years in a US$50 million joint venture between Hong Leong Group and Dubai investment company Istithmar. Hong Leong, through its subsidiary City ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Fireman jailed for helping illegal immigrants claim identities of ...

The investigation was an example of the disruption tactics used by Operation Newlandrig officers, under the command of the Trident unit, in partnership with other agencies to reduce crime in London communities. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Company Briefs - 27 Jun 2007

A CHAIN of 30 budget hotels is to be set up across South-east Asia over the next three years in a US$50 million joint venture between Hong Leong Group and Dubai investment company Istithmar. Hong Leong, through its subsidiary City ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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